I was so stoked that The Red Storm was shortlisted out of 97 submissions from across the English speaking world. I didn't win, but it was an honour to be on that list.

The 2019 Wilbur Smith Prize received 97 entries for the Best Published Novel award by authors from across the world including the USA, Australia, Nigeria, South Africa, Canada, New Zealand and many more. The long list was selected from these by a group of experienced library professionals, and later reduced to a shortlist.
“This is a shortlist of heroes. The protagonists in these six novels inspired us with their courage, determination to pursue the truth, and stamina for survival in harsh surroundings. Each of these stories gave us what an adventure does in real life – a chance to learn about ourselves and the world, while getting the adrenaline pumping. All we can say is go and read these unique and wonderful books, we couldn’t put them down.” - Niso Smith, Founder of The Wilbur & Niso Smith Foundation
